Saturday, July 20, 2019

Week 3- Desert

My husband and I decided to travel to Africa a where we found ourselves visiting the Sahara Desert. I was explaining to my husband that not all dry areas are the same. There are areas which are deserts also known as Arid and there are other areas called steppe. Steppe is the surrounding area of the desert that is more humid than the desert and is also known as a transition zone from desert to humid areas. As we looked around my husband mentioned it was weird that the Sonoran Desert there was a lot more vegetation whereas the Sahara Desert was sand. It makes sense I explained especially since the Sahara Desert is located between trade winds causing higher temperatures and very little rainfall.  The desert looked like a beach that stretched for miles due to the landscape being made of sand called erg. The landscape was not flat either there were mountains of sand also known as dunes. I explained to my husband these dunes were made from the wind. The wind carries the sand as a bed load when it goes wayward on a sand dune it keeps piling up.  We finally had to leave as we peered far away and noticed what looked like a huge brown cloud heading our way due to this being a dust cloud and I knew that if the wind picked up it could be a problem. 

Image result for sahara desert landscape
Ross, R. (2019, January 25). The Sahara: Earth's Largest Hot Desert. Retrieved July 20, 2019, from

Image result for sahara desert landscape
Did Humans Create the Sahara Desert? (2017, November 16). Retrieved July 20, 2019, from
Did Humans Create the Sahara Desert? (2017, November 16). Retrieved July 20, 2019, from
Ross, R. (2019, January 25). The Sahara: Earth's Largest Hot Desert. Retrieved July 20, 2019, from

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