Monday, July 29, 2019

Week 4 - Volcano -

This week we visit the volcano Popocatépetl, located on the border between Mexico state, Puebla and Morelos. The volcano is part of the ring of fire, and is still an active volcano and there could not have been a better time to visit – on July 25th the volcano erupted two times. Ash from the volcano has been a concern, and the public has been warned to prepare to evacuate.

Popocatépetl spewing ash (Martin, 2019)

This volcano lies within the North American Plate, rather close to the boundary of the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate. It is located in central Mexico thanks to the fact that it is part of the Ring of Fire. The volcano has had explosive eruptions, spewing ash at large heights. The biggest hazard for Popocatépetl is the ash as well as the gasses that are released from the volcano. The volcano does spew out lahars as well. As it is still erupting, it is more likely to continue to erupt for a long time as well.
For some further reading:

Martin, S. (2019). Mexico volcano eruption: locals told to prepare to evacuate as Popocatépetl erupts twice. Express. Retrieved from

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