Thursday, April 2, 2020

Week 4 - Krakatoa - Jacob Norenko

On this lovely week I decided that I wanted to visit the famous, and explosive, Krakatoa! It is probably most famous for creating the loudest sound in history. It is located in Indonesia along the ring of fire. The tectonic plates that formed this magnificent volcano were the Eurasian plate and the Indonesian-Australian plate. The Indonesian-Australian plate went underneath the Eurasian plate when creating this volcano. Krakatoa is a stratovolcano due to it's conic shape and size, which erupts often and is explosive. It has even erupted several times in the last 10 years and is likely to continue to erupt. When it does erupt the resulting lava and ash is very destructive. The ash can even create volcanic lightning. Truly a sight to behold. It's famous eruption in 1883 even caused tsunamis. One can only hope that it does not reach the destructive potential it once had back then.

Incredible footage shows a rare display of lightening spewing out of the Indonesian volcano Krakatoa. The volcano, which annihilated 36,000 people in an eruption in 1883, hurled glowing rocks into the sky
Weston, P. (2018, October 31). Deadly Krakatoa stirs again: Erupting volcano puts on awesome display of volcanic LIGHTNING in incredible footage. Retrieved April 2, 2020, from 

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