Monday, April 27, 2020

Week 8 - Time Travel - Robbie Ficalora

A time travel report!? EXCELENT!

As Evan has been monopolizing my time machine of choice, looks like its time to bust out my trusty back up:

My Phone Booth; Parked in the back of my local Circle K
Dusting of the Circuits of Time Directory, I follow the prompt of traveling 5000 years in the future... 
but due to it being 2020 (or the fact that I forgot to rewind my watch... again) I end up in 7020 instead of 7010. Wait, could the prompt have been written in 2010? Naw.
Wait... I'm pretty high up... where did I land?

Denver, CO; circa 4/27/7020
Woah... NO WAY!... YES WAY! In the future it's great here! The air is clean. The water is clean. Even the dirt is clean! Humanities reliance on fossil fuels ceased over 4500 years ago leading to a boon of self sufficient green living the likes that have never been seen before. Looking to my phone which displaces the appropriate date and time (guess data infrastructure is left unchanged) and says I'm roaming (somethings never change) I begin to pull up Google... at least what Google is in the future.... I think it's a religion now?

Anyway, it turns out that polar ice caps and ocean levels were rising noticeably in 2045. While it looked like the world was doing everything in it's power to curb the issues of global warming through green living initiatives, it still was not working to reverse the effects of the green house effect. That was until scientists looked to data from the past 100 years of environmental damage and noticed that in the spring of 2020 there was a dramatic drop in carbon emissions thanks to the pandemic of Covid-19. "Thant seems a little too convenient" I thought, and as I bounced from source to source I was shown that the origin of the events that set the world into motion were idealized over time, it can be confirmed that a launching point of the "G.A.I.A" initiative was from the influence that Covid-19 had left in the world. Over the next 450 years, world governments would practice carbon-less months where people would be asked to stay at home while receiving a healthy amount of rations and supplies as to not completely desolate families and freeze the economy. More funding and research went into renewable energy sources to the point where entire cities were being powered by the elements while recycling excess amounts of CO2. Polar icecaps began experiencing growth outside of an ice age to the point where they are now at an equilibrium of freezing and melting.

The best part? Infrastructure has been perfected to where there is no longer war, or poverty as a result of having to figure out how to maintain renewable living with the steady growth of population. Now humanity is looking to colonize other planets as the first few human flights to habitable worlds has been successful. "Wow, this all seems too perfect. I better leave before I discover something awful"

As I make my way back to 2020, I feel hopeful for the future... Now to wait until the current situation of quarantine passes. Too bad no cool movies are coming out thanks to most productions being on haitus. Bogus...

Bill and Ted 3 is still slated for 8/21/2020 due to filming warping up half a year ago!? Most triumphant! *air guitar*


  1. I HIGHLY approve of this post. This is amazing.

    1. Thank you buddy! I appreciate all the BTTF in your posts :)
