Monday, April 27, 2020

Week 8_Global Warming_Michael Bluett

Charleston Tips South Carolina
Urlaubsguru Travel Magazine

In the year 7010, I wonder what the world would look like. I am from South Carolina and
Charleston is the most coastal town I know. As of now, it floods a lot because the city sits only about 8 feet above sea level. I fear that we have taken too long to try to make impacts on global warming. It is inevitable that the ice caps will melt completely causing the sea to rise so much that Charleston will be completely under the sea. I'm sure we will have fond alternative fuels in order to reduce our emissions into our atmosphere, but I fear we have learn nothing from the Covid-19 era. The whole world was forced inside, and the world became more natural and more beautiful, but once the fears were over, we went back to our normal routines, no longer caring about our effects on our planet.
Artist’s representation of underwater ruins.
Brad Yoon Ancient Origins

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