Sunday, April 12, 2020

Week 5_Converging Plates_Michael Bluett

In 2013, I had the luxury of being deployed to Bagram, Afghanistan which is about 45 miles North of Kabul. The base, itself, is in a bowl surrounded by mountains. This bowl is so deep that pilots have to dive down in order to land aircraft.
This photo shows a mountain view near Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, Jan. 12, 2019. (U.S. Army photo/James Dansie)
This photo shows a mountain view near Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, Jan. 12, 2019. (U.S. Army photo/James Dansie)

The mountains you see are the cause of the Eurasian and Indian plates colliding together. Compression stress is what caused these mountains to form, thrusting the continental crust. In this area of mountains, the type of rocks being deposited would be mineral rocks, which is found in abundance around Bagram.

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