Saturday, April 6, 2019

Week 4- Mount Vesuvius

Image result for mount vesuvius
Mount Vesuvius in Italy is most famous for its eruption in 79 AD when it buried the city of Pompeii. When it exploded, it shot debris and hot gas 9.3-19  miles into the air and lasted 18-24 hours (Vesuvian Eruption) before settling into the Pelean Phase, which was characterized by molten lava flowing down the sides in a pyroclastic flow. It had been dormant for many years prior to this event, which is why the people were caught off guard and unable to escape. Those who were able to escape the lava flow were buried in the quickly falling ash.
Image result for pompeii

It is a stratovolcano, or composite, and is characterized by its large, symmetrical cone shape due to the alternating layers of erupted cinders and ash. According to the video, this type of volcano has a high silica content, creating a highly viscous lava that can travel pretty far without much of a grade in lava tubes, which are created by the edges of the lava flow cooling before the center to make a barrier for a lava highway. They also have extremely high gas pressure, which create clouds of volcanic ash that can stay in the air for days and travel really far. It is located in the Campanian Volcanic Arc, which is comprised of a series of volcanoes that formed when the African and Eurasian plates came together. It sits over a slab window, which is when the upper subducting slab detaches from the lower, making most of the rocks erupted from this volcano andesite, which is extremely explosive. This makes Vesuvius extremely dangerous. However, it is quiescent right now, with minor earthquake and gas emission activity, but it could very quickly escalate in its activity. As far as hazards are concerned, it's extremely volatile and sits close to water so, besides the eruption itself, tsunamis are an issue. The ash and gas released are also very dangerous. It also create earthquakes.

location map for Vesuvius volcano
Plate tectonics of Mount Vesuvius

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