Sunday, April 28, 2019

Week 7 Death Valley - Cobe Karhoff

Sinuous, water-sculpted curves of Mosaic Canyon marble
Mosaic Canyon

The first stop I visited was the Mosaic Canyon in Death Valley. As you can see in the photo, there are deep cuts in the mountain called Tucki Mountain. This canyon is made up of marble and the cuts are created from faults and also erosion. One question I have is how often does this canyon get eroded since Death Valley is a desert and rarely rains there.

Ubehebe and little Hebe craters
Ubehebe Crater
The second stop is Ubehebe Crater, which is considered a volcano at one point in time due to the thin layer of the crust allowing magma to seep through the faults and cracks on the crust. The question I would ask about this site is how often does this area get earthquakes? I never knew death valley had volcanoes located in the park, but now that I do know, I am curious to know how often earthquakes occur.

Polygonal cracks in salt pan
My final stop is at Badwater, which is below sea level and the lowest point in the Western Hemisphere. The surface is made up of billions of crystals of almost pure table salt. The salt is created due to the dryness in the area and the salt is about 3-5 inches thick. My question about this stop is are there any volcanoes or any magma seeping through the crust since this area is below sea level.

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