Monday, April 22, 2019

Week 7

Death Valley Dunes
The Death Valley dunes look like a sea of sand with large waves of sand. The sand seems smooth but in step peaks with rough edges. The dunes seem to very in size but somewhat the same shape with a point and ridge at the top? Where did the sand come from?  What is underneath all the sand?  Why does the sand build up to wave or dune points?  How high and deep does the dunes get? Why does the sand seem smooth in some areas?  Dry and desert area with little to no life.  High winds and high temperatures.

Badwater Alluvial fans

This appears that a large amount of sediment gravel or sand was displaced down a mountain.  It appears tobe to large amount of water due to all the small water marks that look like small rivers and creeks through the sand.   It is interesting, i am not sure why the fan seems to have a deep circle or ridge around it then more deposits of the sediment.  There seems to be a large deep gully down the mountain.  It appears all the sediment came for this area of the mountain.  How far did the sediment travel?  Can you tell how fast it traveled?  Is the sediment wet or have more indications of water placement and movement?

Titus Canyon Mosaic   This Canyon looks like large giant rocks have been cemented together with a white substance like a concrete? Some rocks are large and some are smaller?  I  wonder how the rock got there?  Are they natural to the area or was this man made?  Did man put concrete to stabilize the rocks so they would move?  Why would they do that?  How tall does this get?  Is there a purpose to this formations? What type of rock are present?

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