Saturday, April 7, 2018

Axel Perez - Week 4 - Popocatépetl

The Popocatepetl is a active stratovolcano. It is located on the Trans-Mexican Volcano belt. It is one of the highest peaks located in the belt. Many volcano are located around the belt and many people can see the volcano from towns such as Puebla. This is the most active volcano in mexico. It has had 15 eruptions since it had been discovered by the Spanish.The crater is elliptical with an orientation northeast-southwest.


 The eruptions that it has had have been explosive. But every time the volcano would erupt or spew gas, the neighboring towns would be evacuated. It is very likely to erupt again and the gas and lava that it spews out is very hazardous to the people in the villages as they are so close to the volcano. Lava erupting from the volcano has usually been andesitic, but also dacite as well.


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