Monday, April 2, 2018

Week 3 - Running Water


The Cape Fear River is the largest river in North Carolina. It is the only river in the state that delivers water directly to the Atlantic ocean. The Cape Fear watershed is over 9,000 square miles. The river meanders throughout its path from Greensboro to Wilmington. The Cape Fear river carries sediment from the middle of the state. The pattern of the river is Dendritic because of the formation of the land underneath the river is relatively soft and uniform. The source of the Cape Frear river is mostly from rain water.

The surrounding areas of Wilmington use the cape fear river was their water source. The picture below is a lock used to control the flow of the water to the lower part of the river heading to Wilmington.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Digital Visual Library

From Wilmington, the river is its widest. They give tours up and down the river from Wilmington to the Atlantic Ocean. There is a large shipping port on the river that is used for ocean freight. I can hear the ships fog horn from my house when they come up the river.
Photo: State Ports Authority

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