Sunday, April 29, 2018

Week 7 - Jakubiak - Death Valley

Image result for Death Valley Dunes
Image courtesy of
This week we're wandering around Death Valley, California, and while it's warm today (only 89 degrees), it's not overly hot yet; seems like we're coming at the right time of year!

Death Valley consists of various types of rocky terrain, with very little vegetation.  My favorite feature is the Death Valley dunes, which is a wide expanse of quartz and feldspar sand created by the weathering of rock in the mountains.

Ripplemarks on Death Valley Dunes
Image courtesy of
Ripples and Dunes are created when the wind blows and builds the sand into a pile.  Eventually, it will topple, and fall down the other side of the crest, creating the beautiful rippling effect you can see here.  It'd be interesting to see how far the dunes spread over the course of a few decades, getting a hold of satellite imagery would be a useful tool to document this.

I look forward to going back and visiting, but as it gets closer and closer to summer, I may just have to wait until next year!

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