Saturday, April 21, 2018

Week 6 - Geological Interpretations

I decided to visit the county of Monterey California to study its complex geology. As everyone knows, California is known for the amount of earthquakes and faults. One very famous fault is the San Andrea fault. So I was very interested in studying these first hand. Before I could plan my site visits and to get a general sense of the terrain and the magnitude of the area, I could probably use some detail aerial photographs and satellite images. Having detail photographs would not only help me to get a general idea of the terrain but would also assist me in plotting different aspects of the area such as dips, strikes, altitudes of joints, faults etc. 

Since the vast majority of earthquakes occur along faults. Information about seismic activity, such as earthquake epicenter in the Monterey county region along with seismic profiles would be extremely valuable. That would be of great help in identifying activity near faults and which faults are causing it.

The Monterey bay region has a very complex geology. Uplift and depression have played a major role in the sedimentary units along the coast. There are a number of unconformities I would like to examine. For this task I would like to ask for any previous geological research performed in the area to include geophysical data and sea floor samples collected. Having access to this data would help indicate the tectonic history of the area and help me identify and classify its era.

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