Monday, April 23, 2018

Racetrack Playa, Artists Drive, Devils Golf Course

Racetrack Playa

Mudcracks at Racetrack Playa

At the Racetrack Playa stop a photo from the image gallery shows polygonal shaded sections of dried mud. This pattern forms when the rains fill the area with a very shallow lake that is subsequently evaporated off. The mud dries and shrinks and cracks along these “turtle back” shapes.
I would like to know if there exists a water table at any depth, and if so how far down it is. If the rains have been evaporating for some time that would affect that. And it might give me an idea of the mineral content and how that changes the deep we look.

Artists Drive

Artist's Pallet

At the artist drive location there is a picture of multicolored hills
I would like to know if there is evidence of a great of amount of compressive force and if there might be some sheering as well. This could give me an insight into if these different minerals and colors are from different layers that have been up ended.

Devils Golf Course
Salt pinnacle close-up
At the devils golf course stop there are photographs of salt crystals that form now, after the lake that was there 2000+ years ago evaporated.
My question here would be about the current rainfalls effect on the salt crystals. How often does it rain and how much of the salt crystal formations are destroyed. How quickly cant they regrow? How hard are they and is their composition consistent across the area.

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