Sunday, April 1, 2018

Week 3 - Running Water

The Panará River is a 3,030 mile long river that runs through Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina. It is the second longest river in South America that also meets with the Uraguay and Paraguay rivers to make up the Río do la Plata. These rivers all form a drainage basin that is beneficial to the countries they run through, as . They also are a source of water for the Atlantic Ocean. There are also some damns throughout the river, allowing for upstream traveling of boats that carry imports and exports.

The river has a laminar flow due to its size and discharge. The headwaters of the Panará River are in Brazil and the mouth is at the Río de la Plata, near Buenos Aires, Argentina. This long stretch of water provides many fish for the fishermen of the countries it runs through. It is also a prime bird watching spot. 

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