Sunday, April 1, 2018

The Mojave desert

This past Spring Break I flew to California for the first time . I wanted to get out east coast for a change. I didn’t want to go to the popular areas, like Los Angeloas or San Francisco’s I traveled to the Mojave Desert instead. The Mojave isn’t your typical desert . It has a typical mountain and basin topography with minimal vegetation. This desert is in between the hot Sonoran desert and the coole and higher Great Basin . The Mojave Desert is a rain shadow desert. This is due to latitude, elevation, geology and indicator plants. 
This desert salons has the lowest absolute elevation and the highest maximum temperature. This desert occasionally grows catlaws along the arroyos . It hosts about 200 endemic plant species . Creosote Bush , Shadscale, Big Sagebrush , Bladder- sage , bursages and Blackbush are common vegetation found .

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