Thursday, April 5, 2018

Week 4 - Volcano

In my travels, I had the privilege of visiting the beautiful Quilotoa in Ecuador. This crater lake caldera was created after this volcano's latest eruption, about 600 years ago, that pyroclastic flows that reached the Pacific ocean and an ash cloud that engulfed much of the surrounding area. Since then, the crater has filled with water and created a stunning lake.
The beautiful turquoise waters filling the Quilotoa caldera.
The minerals found in the caldera give the water a beautiful turquoise appearance. There are several hiking trails around the area that allow visitors to get great views. This volcano is not finished, however. Fumaroles at the bottom of the lake and hot spring dotted throughout the surrounding area allude to at least some level of activity still beneath the surface. Although, it is unlikely that there will be any volcanic events in the near future as there were 14,000 years between the most recent event and the previous one.

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