Thursday, April 5, 2018

Week 4 - Volcanoes

South Sister, which features patches of snow and ice, can be seen above a plain. Forest is visible in the foreground.
South Sister Volcano (Wikipedia, 2018)
The South Sister volcano, also known as Charity, is one of the Three Sisters volcanoes located in the Cascade Range of Oregon. It is a popular site for tourists and residents of Oregon to climb and hike. This volcano is the tallest of the three sister, standing at 10,363 feet tall. It last erupted 2,000 years ago, but is being monitored due to an increase of its magma intrusion. A GPS sits atop the volcano and monitors the gas levels that are being released into the air. 

The Rock Mesa eruptive cycle and the Devil's Hill eruptive cycle have both affected the erosion and composition of the South Sister Volcano. Tear drop pool also sits on the South Sister. It is an uneroded summit crater and is the highest lake in Oregon. It's sister volcanoes are not likely to be erupting any time soon, but if the South Sister were to erupt, it could destroy land and lives anywhere between a 1.2 and 6.2 mile radius. 

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