Sunday, April 29, 2018

Death Valley

Ubehebe Crater

View inside Ubehebe Crater When first looking at this picture , my first question was is there any living beings at the bottom of the crater . After reading about it says this crater happened from a hydro volcanic eruption. For this to happen wet bed rock and magma meet . Why was the bed rock wet ? Was there heavy rainfall in the area ? Was there a body of water near by ?

Desert Oasis
Saratoga Springs

At first glance this place this absolutely beautiful . Then after reading about it , the waters bubble. Why  do they bubble ? How is it that plants and animals can survive these extreme conditions. ? I also would like to know how hot are these waters ? Is it safe for humans to get in the water ?

Bad Water

Polygonal cracks in salt pan
When first reading about Badwaters .I  thought that the Earth is amazing . My first thought was imagining a large lake drying up and thinking if this much salt would be here . My question would be why are there any rocks in the ground. Also what's underneath the salt ? Is it just a thick layer ? Are there fossils underneath the ground ? Also is the ground really hard or rough ?

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