Sunday, April 15, 2018

Week 4 Yellowstone

Week 4 YellowStone National Park

Last year I visited Yellowstone National Park and although I knew that Yellowstone was a large volcano I did not know of the history or the contiued effect Yellowstone has. Yellostone by many scientist is known as a super volcano due to the high capacity of magma that can be released when Yellowstone erupts once more ( Yellowstone has before had many eruptions 3 of which considered major). Yellowstone is estimated to be able to release 240 cubic miles of magma ( the amount of magma necessary to be considered a super volcano)  in an event of an eruption. Although this super volcano is considered still active the last eruption was approximately 174,00 years ago while the last lava flow has been recorded to be roughly 70,00 years ago. Obsidian Cliff, Virginia Cascades, and Tuff Cliff are are evidence of this lava flow and of the ash debris that has since settled from volcanic eruption.  There are many indicators to monitor an emminent eruption aside from the tools used by the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, such as a buildup of earthquake swarms and ground deformation but such information is publicly accesible through . Overall, Yellowstone park is an amazing resource to view the beauty of natural occurences from volcanic activity such as Old faithful,(geysers are always indicators of volcanoes although volcanoes dont neccesarily have to have geysers present), cliffs, lakes, and waterfalls, and I would suggest anyone interested in geology to visit if not for the scientific interest then atleast to witness the beauty of our first national park.

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