Sunday, April 1, 2018

Week 3 - Running Water - South Platte River

The South Platte River

Early this morning I took a trip to Chatfield Reservoir, which is located just West of Highlands Ranch, Colorado.  Chatfield is fed from the South Platte river, which comes down through the Rocky Mountains originating from the Strontia Springs Reservoir.

Courtesy of Google Maps
As you can see, the South Platte runs between the mountains in the area, through what's referred to as Waterton Canyon.  Presumably, this river, slowly over millions of years, helped erode and carve out this canyon.   As it reaches the plains, it has less obstacles in it's way, and begins to straighten and take a more direct route (though still the path of least resistance!).

Near the mouth of the river
Point Bar made of small smooth stones
I started at the mouth of the river, where it met the reservoir, and walked my way South a while.  I came across a fairly large point bar, where a great deal of rock had been deposited by the river.  

At this point in the river, it's not so quickly flowing as it is up in Waterton canyon, but you could certainly tell the water was still moving at parts.  The edges of the stream seem to be moving gradually, but the greatest velocity is certainly in the middle.

All in all, it was an excellent (albeit chilly) Easter morning spent at Chatfield, and I look forward to the next visit soon!  

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