Sunday, April 22, 2018

Week 6 Sierra Nevada

This portion of the geological map of California is one that I found most interesting. I have visited Nevada many times and have noticed some of the large difference between there and the portion with the same name in California the area is mountainous and green, in comparison to dry and desert. Located between Central Vally and Great Basin I would love to know the origin of the areas name. I would like to know what types of rocks form the large mountain range, this because with that knowledge you can figure out so much more about how the range has looked in the past and will change in the future. If there are any major lakes or other bodies of water that have impacts on the region, due to what that body of water would be doing to help or destroy the area. Finally the impact that travels have on the area due to the fact that many from around the state and from other will want to travel and view the range. As larger groups of people are attracted to the area more can happen in changes of damage due to the impacts humans have on wildlife.

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