Sunday, April 15, 2018

Week 5

Image result for himalaya

For this travel journal I will telling you guys about my experience at the Himalayan mountain. My dad and I took his trip when I was in middle school. It was the summer time, and my dad insisted I came along with him . At the time I had no interest in going as a teenager. The trip seemed boring , but I was in for a beautiful surprise.

 These mountains are in Afghanistan , Pakistan, India , Nepal, Tibet, through Bhutan ending in Myanmar . They cover about 75% of Nepal. Th Himalayan mountain range and Tibetan plateau formed from the result of the Indian Plate and Eurasian Plate , which has started of 50 million years ago and it still continues.

Millions of years ago India and Eurasia collided. Due to the great amount of tectonic motions they suffer from massive earthquakes and tremors. Even now this pressure makes the mountains continue to rise more than 1 cm per year. Folding dominates the structural style. When water comes in between the plates the sedimentary deposits are moved into geosynclines. Then these are being formed into sedimentary rocks . Also the Himalayas are caused by reverse faults.

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